Monday, February 26, 2007

My Ragnarok Characters

What could be the best first-post ever in my blog!? You know what? My drawings .
The following are my Characters in Ragnarok (Although the headgears may vary)

The Wizard

The Blacksmith

I started drawing when I was like 1 year old, my Mum said like she gave me crayons and some paper then *poof* my first drawing, my Mum like posted pieces of paper with colors and shapes on top of my crib when I was a baby, maybe (in my conclusion) My brain sucked up all the art in those pieces of paper and used up all the space for just storing art stuff, so now my brain is full of stuff about art and computer stuff that other things like studies don,t enter my brain anymore.

Back to artstuff, I attended only one art school and it was 'Luna Art Workshop' the teacher 'Ted Luna' was a very skilled Painter, I think he is like related to Juan Luna, because the was this big poster of Juan Luna in His house.

His Workshop can be found at BF Homes, Phase 1 near Tropical Hut, if you are looking for a Workshop I suggest you take lessons from him its cheap and you will actually learn something...

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