Sunday, March 30, 2008

Gundam Progress and Line-Up

Since my last post (which was forever), I've recently acquired some new Gundams. Most of which were 1/144 Models, as my line-up grew I think my working also kinda improved. I think. My favorite so far is the Dreadnought Gundam.

Recent Acquisitions (Not in Chronological Order of Acquisition :D ) :
HG Blaze Zaku Phantom 1/144
HG Dreadnought Gundam 1/144
HG Strike Freedom Gundam 1/144
HG Gundam Kyrios 1/144
FG Gundam Kyrios 1/144
FG Gundam Virtue 1/144
FG Gundam Exia 1/144
FG Gundam Dynames 1/144

And I want my first Master Grade to be is the MG Unicorn Gundam Ver. Ka I even have a special place for it in my shelf of Gundams.

(By the way if you line up the boxes of the FG Gundam 00 Models you get the background image of the Ptoleimos)

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